Robotics & Automation News

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Robotics and Software Development: Common Future

In 2021 we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the concept of robotics.

The word “robot” was coined by the Prague playwright Karel Capek for his play about artificial humans created to help us with hard tasks. Now, 100 years later, we use robotics in our everyday life, although not exactly as Capek imagined.

Automated systems penetrated different domains of human life. Yet, we are far from the independent mechanical flawless systems to substitute humans. The success of robotics is intrinsically linked to advances in software development.

These days, software relates to projects in eCommerce, logistics, health tech, fintech to check Bitcoin price prediction today, USD, cryptocurrency platforms you may check here, as well as complex AI, AR & VR systems.

From the flaws in the coffee-making machine to the disastrous Boeing crash – the reasons for these incidents lie in the imperfection of software. The challenge of the future is to fix.

In the coming years, robotics and software will have to meet the constantly growing demands of the economy and facilitate production.

To be more specific, here are the five developments to expect in the discussed domain:

1. Robotic systems will be easier to use

Today, the complex industrial robotic system requires high-skilled specialists, and it’s one of the main blockers, besides the high price, for the widespread use of robotics.

Therefore, to democratize the use of robots in the future and make them available to everyone, we need more complex software to manage robots easily every day.

Can this be implemented today? The German factory DMG MORI is showcasing how this is possible. Their employees manage robotic solutions with intuitive mobile apps, allowing low-tech specialists to program the automated production cycle.

2. More customization to meet the specific demands

Today, building highly specialized robots is costly entertainment. Building more customizable solutions will allow for cutting costs on the development, maintenance, and utilization of robotics.

Moreover, to pave a vast way in the future, the customizability of robotics should meet the unforeseen demands of the future market.

3. Improved management for better control of production

Better management of robotized equipment cuts the expenses in cost and time. Although we cannot expect robotics to be failure-proof, we can demand shortened incident reporting and fixing periods.

Moreover, improved management is needed to enhance prediction and strategy-making. That is because of stability – a must-have feature for the software developers to take care of.

4. Traceability for better feedback

It is very important in the enterprise to see where, when, and how your equipment is performing. Thus, you may quickly see the excessive robotic workforce in one operation chain and re-distribute it to where it is needed more.

5. Modification – to introduce updates to robotic systems

According to the theory of evolution, the driving force of life is adaptability.

In different domains of robotic implementation, things may be changing faster than today. Therefore the most important challenge to software development will be modifying automated equipment quickly and upgrading it every time needed.

Quality of software

Whether in the domain of self-driving cars or enterprise robotics, the effectiveness of your solution depends on the quality of software and the professionalism of the people who create it.

Therefore, software and mobile app development companies like MLSDev now take up a popular trend: investing in the education, professional growth, and mental well-being of people responsible for the future of digital solutions.

One thought on “Robotics and Software Development: Common Future

  1. Absolutely add the robot course, I love the idea of programming robots.
    Sachin Dev Duggal Entrepreneur

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