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Top Future Car Technologies with Great Odds

Today, technology is the answer to everything, thanks to the many opportunities it presents. For the automotive industry, it’s been from one glory to another. Even movies and TV shows feature driverless cars.

This means the automotive industry is growing and not looking back. We saw the emergence of electric vehicles, solar-powered machines, manual and self-driving cars, among other innovations.

The trend continues as innovators look into having more technology advancements soon. As time goes by, AI might overtake human minds in operating automobiles.

We only need to wait and see what lays ahead. Indeed, such innovations not only give us comfort but also keep us informed like never before.

Testing these technologies brings new light to the automotive sector. The sky is only the limit, right? Sky drive is among these technologies that have a chance. Seeing a car that flies is magical itself.

Speaking of technology, let’s dive in to find out how cars will advance in the future.

Self-driving Cars

A car that operates on obeying commands is the next asset you want to acquire. Imagine having free hands which you can use on anything while running your errands.

Google and Audi successfully tested this technology on their cars, which means it promises more incredible things. The self-driving car uses ultrasounds, lasers and radar to gather information about the driving experience.

If there are objects ahead, the car avoids them automatically to avoid collisions. In doing so, you only need to give commands and bum! You get to your destination.

If you want comfort alongside a drive, a self- driving car will give you that. This car reads road signs, gets to traffic lights and finds alternative routes faster than a human can.

It’s an intelligent technology you can’t wait to have yet as it saves you lots of hassle. Driverless cars will reduce many highway accidents caused by distracted drivers. Imagine having to spend fewer hours in traffic?

Self-driving cars can drive close to each other and act as a unit. As more space is not used up, they reduce congestion on the roads.

Augmented Reality Cars

Commonly referred to as AR, this system uses in-car displays to relay information on enabled dashboards. If a car is fast approaching and you are almost on a head-on collision, AR comes into play.

By showing a red box when you get too close to a car, the car alerts that all is not well. It also gives arrows to show the best route to take down the road.

All this happens to help you stay focused on driving.The future is bright for car lovers with augmented reality cars in mind of top car companies.

These cars are projected to use GPS systems to detect an object through the windshields. Augmented reality cars relay information on the windscreens then give suggestions to the driver.

For instance, they can tell the model of the car ahead of you, how slippery the road is, and how wide the road is. Consequently, you can decide how to maneuver the road.

AR dashboards will not only provide data on windshields but also facilitate inspection of car machinery like engines. They will then offer possible steps to fix any problem found.

Ultra-classic Airbags

Ultra-classic airbags help stop cars when accidents threaten. The friction in the bags helps to stop the car or slow it down.

To prevent accidents, today there are more versions of airbags including seatbelts, airbag, knee airbag, curtains airbag and underneath airbag. Mercedes has plans to incorporate airbags as an active safety measure.

Since this technology uses already existing parts of the car, it’s possible to see it in place soon. Isn’t having technology that can lift the car to 8 centimeters high during a collision good enough?

As a result, the car won’t dip when you hit hard brakes. It also helps passengers stay intact in their safety belts.

Inter-Vehicle Communication System

Intercommunication between cars is a future innovation to look forward to. With the use of signals, cars can pass information to each other. They can do this to improve safety on the roads.
Incorporating V2V communication means your vehicle is in a better position to detect impending danger before you. It can even go ahead and hit the brake abruptly on your behalf.

Since all the cars will have signals in them, accidents will reduce as the cars share the information in real-time. Technology innovators are also considering intercommunication between cars and infrastructure.

Cars communicate to traffic lights or roads through wireless signals. As a result, automotive safety standards increase as all the factors cooperate to achieve this goal.

Besides, V2I can request for access to traffic details from the Traffic Management System. Using this information, V2I can tell the best routes to use thus, improving safety.

Use of Cars with Energy-storing Body Panels

Hybrid cars are the next big thing.

However, there’s a problem they bring with them. The heavyweight of lithium-ion batteries which takes up too much space makes the car a challenge.

Therefore, researchers are looking for technology to counter this. Using cars with energy-storing body panels is a perfect option to save energy and space.

These panels will replace the batteries – taking up too much space – while serving the same purpose. After installing the energy-storing body panels, the car’s weight reduces by 15 percent.
Compared to old car batteries, the panels will charge faster and will be made of polymer fiber and carbon resin. These are strong materials to use in vehicles.

You charge them by plugging this panel overnight then recharging the car when need be. Also, the energy-storing panels can capture energy from regenerative braking. This innovation seeks to make cars more energy-efficient and lighter, to cut down energy use.

With that said, chances are you will need to sell your current car to buy another one with the latest technology.

On the other hand, if your car is compatible with the new technology, then the best route would be to get rid of the old parts without losing money. This way you can replace these parts with those that feature the new technology.

Digitally Connected Smart Cars

Technology is responsible for the digital offerings in cars, in the age of shifting from hardware to software cars.

Having to download apps from the Play store is as cool as enjoying unlimited Wi-Fi experience in your car. Aside from the fun drives, your car can reply to emails and work-related stuff on your behalf.

At least this is how convenient the smart car will be. It will check on your health, provide entertainment, and keep you connected to the world, alongside giving you comfort.

What’s even more exciting is keeping you connected to the cloud. I don’t think there’s anything that beats the ability to control devices in your house from your car.

Well, that’s what a digitally connected car offers.

The Bottom Line

The automobile industry is set for new heights with various technologies in place. The driverless car, augmented reality dashboards, cars that store energy in the paneland connected smart car are some of the offerings.

Such technologies harness car safety and make you enjoy every part of your ride. With efforts to make your car rides the best, researchers will stop at nothing.

Ideally, some of the technologies above are in prototypes and will soon be in the market. Also, top companies tested them, and yes, they are worth the yearning.

A change is as good as rest. It’s now time to wait for future car technologies that aren’t here with us yet.


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