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Want to Learn Coding? Here Are the Best 6 Courses Available

Coding might seem like a foreign language to a designer. However, having knowledge of coding can not only enhance your work but also give you more control over your creations.

Luckily, there are numerous courses available online that are catered specifically to creative specialists who want to learn how to code.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the best courses available for designers to satisfy their coding needs. Here you’ll have 6 top-picked ones, but you can find even more on The Designest. So, let’s dive in!

1. Skillshare: Build a Website with HTML, CSS, and Github Pages

Taught by freelance designer and developer, Kevin Powell, this course is perfect for designers who have little to no coding experience.

The course teaches you how to build a responsive website using HTML, CSS, and Github Pages. There are four main sections: HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, and Deploying to Github Pages.

Each section includes multiple lessons with video lectures, exercises, and challenges to help you solidify your knowledge.

The course is particularly beneficial for designers who want to learn how to build websites from scratch, as it teaches the fundamentals of web development, including layout, typography, and responsive design.

Moreover, Kevin Powell explains everything in detail, making the material comprehensive even for beginners.

2. Udemy: The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert

JavaScript is a powerful scripting language that can add interactivity and functionality to your designs. And this course on Udemy brings everything you need to know about JavaScript, from the basics to advanced topics.

The course covers over 25 hours of video lectures, exercises, and quizzes to make an expert out of you.

The instructor is Jonas Schmedtmann, an experienced web developer who has worked with some of the world’s leading companies, including Apple, Google, and Airbnb.

You’ll work on the following topics: variables, operators, functions, arrays, objects, and much more. There are also real-world projects, such as building a budget app and a complete web-based game, to help you apply your knowledge in a practical way.

3. Coursera: Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development and Coding

This course is perfect for designers who want to learn the basics of web development and coding. Its author Dr. Colleen van Lent, a faculty member at the University of Michigan School of Information, will cover three main topics: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

There are multiple modules, with each module consisting of video lectures, quizzes, and exercises. You will also work with some real-world examples to help you apply your knowledge in practice.

At the end of the course, you should be able to build your own website from scratch, as well as learn how to add interactivity and functionality using JavaScript.

4. LinkedIn Learning: WordPress: Building Themes from Scratch Using Underscores

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world, and knowing how to build custom themes can be a valuable skill for designers.

This course on LinkedIn Learning teaches you how to build custom WordPress themes using Underscores, a popular starter theme. The course is taught by Morten Rand-Hendriksen, a web developer and trainer.

The course is divided into several modules, covering topics such as theme anatomy, styling, menus, and custom post types. It also provides exercises to help you apply your newly-acquired skills.

By the end of the course, you’ll have learned how to build your own custom WordPress themes, making your designs more functional and customizable.

5. Domestika: Web Design with HTML and CSS: Creating Effective Websites

Domestika is an online learning platform that offers courses on a wide range of creative subjects, including web design, app design, UI/UX, and more.

And this course from web designer and developer Pablo Stanley, teaches you how to create effective websites using HTML and CSS. It is designed to take you from a beginner to an intermediate level, with over 50 video lessons and exercises.

The course covers HTML structure, CSS layout, responsive design, and web typography. It also includes practical projects, like designing a landing page and building a blog.

Moreover, the instructor Pablo Stanley is an experienced web designer who explains everything in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for beginners to follow.

6. SuperHi: JavaScript for Designers

This course is designed specifically for designers who have little to no experience in coding but want to learn JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages for building interactive and dynamic web applications.

The course is taught by Rik Lomas, a developer and entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in the industry.

You will take 18 lessons, which cover everything from the basics of JavaScript syntax to more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming and working with APIs.

What’s great about this course is that it is project-based, so you’ll be building real-world projects throughout the course to apply what you’ve learned.

The projects include building an interactive quiz, creating a responsive image gallery, and developing a weather app using an API. And by the end of the course, you’ll have a solid understanding of JavaScript and be able to build interactive and dynamic web applications.

SuperHi is known for its project-based approach to learning, and this course is no exception. It’s a great option for designers who want to learn JavaScript in a creative and engaging way.

Immersive Coding

These are some of the best courses available online for designers who want to learn how to code.

Whether you’re a newbie or a savvy designer looking to expand your skillset, they offer a comprehensive way to immerse into coding and start applying the newly acquired skills. This means you’ll be able to create more functional and complex designs, whether it’s for a website or an app.

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