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7 Technology Marketing Challenges and Their Solutions

The core marketing objectives for any technology company are creating awareness, building preference, establishing value, and driving efficient decisions and purchases.

B2B marketing efforts in the technology sector are competitive, and reaching the right audience is often challenging.

However, experts recommends that knowing how to connect with decision-makers about their business goals and challenges is crucial to the success of your technology marketing.

Unfortunately, there is no challenge-free marketing strategy. That is why the cybersecurity marketing experts at GetUpLead have prepared this article that detailed seven technology marketing challenges and how to solve them.

7 Common Marketing Challenges and How to Solve Them

1. Focusing on Experts and Not the Consumers

Your marketing should focus on your customers’ understanding level. Addressing them as insiders with perfect knowledge does not support their decision process. In addition, it does not respect their time because you are not delivering digestible information. Your technology product or service should still satisfy its business benefit regardless of how impressive it is.

Your marketing team should meet your customers at the level of their decision-making process. At this level, delivering ongoing, understandable, and accessible resource value is critical.

2. Using Industry Jargon

Humans have a short attention span. Therefore, as a marketer, you have only a few seconds to capture your website visitor’s attention. During those few seconds, ensure your marketing efforts target making the product relevant, instilling its value while motivating your prospect to learn more. Filling your content with industry jargon is a waste of everyone’s time. This is because jargon-filled content often has no meaning to the prospects. Therefore, instead of establishing expertise, the content alienates it.

When marketing your content, it is best to speak in your prospect’s language. Your messaging should convey necessary information for your customer without leaving gaps for them to fill.

3. Not Considering the Buyer’s Journey

Marketing is not a point solution. It is continuous. When you carry out your marketing efforts correctly, you can guide your customers and prospects through purchase decisions. Often, technology companies fail to define the buyer’s journey. And unfortunately, this is critical to the success of a marketing strategy.

Instead of focusing on driving immediate revenue, it is ideal that technology companies take the time to understand their target audience and the overall buyer’s journey. This way, the marketing effort can complement the overall buyer journey continuum.

4. Pushing Instead of Telling

Unfortunately, technology marketing sales have been labeled as being forceful. Sending unsolicited emails and phone calls means you do not understand the buyer’s decision cycle. Hence this approach rarely leads to success.

An essential lesson for technology marketers is understanding what prospects need to learn before purchasing. Therefore, creating compelling and helpful content to help customers learn about their needs is best.

5. Relying on Outrageous Claims

Using outrageous claims in your marketing material is a way to shatter your credibility. Even if your technology product has immense value, making exaggerated and unfounded claims can quickly dilute its worth.

A solution to this challenge is to use engaging storytelling and compelling data to share your product’s value. It is best to do this in a way that resonates authentically with your audience.

6. Tech for Tech’s Sake

The world of technology is competitive. Yet many brands market their technology to other tech marketers instead of the decision-makers in charge of marketing budgets. Unfortunately, this tactic only waters down the actual value of the technology. Without establishing a real and necessary value, your technology will not find support among decision-makers.

Technology marketers should make a business case for their products. And it is beyond the technology. Regardless of how impressive it is, successful technology needs to offer a business benefit or solve a business challenge

7. Neglecting Customer Needs

The issues discussed up till this point can be summarized into knowing and understanding your customer. The chief objective of any marketing strategy is to understand the customer. This is because marketing to a prospect is all about establishing a relationship. Technology brands that fail to understand and cater to their customers’ needs are spinning wheels and speaking into a vacuum.

You can solve this challenge by investing in understanding your customer and speaking to their needs. Understanding the problems you are solving for individuals or organizations is also ideal. In addition, highlight how your technology will impact their business and establish credibility by illustrating and not telling.

Step Toward Success

Technology Marketing mistakes boil down to not understanding your customer. However, knowing your customer and establishing how your technology can help them is a step toward success.

You can also overcome the challenges discussed in this article and reach your goals by partnering with an expert with the right skill sets and an understanding of the technology industry landscape.

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