Robotics & Automation News

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BlueBotics launches new resource for warehouse robotics professionals

BlueBotics, one of the leading providers of software for warehouse robots, has launched a new resource for professionals working with automated guided vehicles and autonomous mobile robots.

The resource, located at BlueBotics’ new website, is described as “an educational website for professionals interested in automated vehicle technology”.

The company adds that is a website for professionals interested in learning more about automated guided vehicles, automated forklifts and autonomous mobile robots – and the ANT navigation technology that drives them.

The website offers visitors three main opportunities:

Learn: provides a detailed introduction to AGV, AMR and automated forklift technologies. Detailed web pages and downloadable guides explain how such solutions work, how to calculate the potential ROI they can offer, and what to consider when buying them.

Explore: features two useful tools: a fully-featured ROI Calculator and a Vehicle Finder. This Vehicle Finder brings together the full ecosystem of vehicles driven by BlueBotics ANT navigation (around 90 models today, with more to come). These products span numerous vehicle types and brands – from small, agile AMRs to pallet movers and multi-ton transport shuttles.

Connect: users can request a free consultation call with a BlueBotics intralogistics expert at any time – enabling them to fast-forward their learning and discuss the best-fit technologies for their operation.

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