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Digital Workplace Reprioritizes ‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’ Mentality: The Telecommuting Technologies You Need to Adopt

Companies of all sizes and types have embraced remote work at a pace and frequency never seen before. Shifting from a traditional to a digital workspace provides numerous benefits, such as reduced overhead and increased employee flexibility.

To ensure telecommuting success, companies must utilize the following technologies. Without this telecommuting tech in hand, organizing daily workflows, connecting with customers and employees, and providing other vital services will prove challenging – if not impossible.

Virtual PO Box

A virtual PO box address gives business professionals the ability to receive mail and view it online. Virtual mailbox services provide your business with a real street address, increasing legitimacy in customers’ eyes and improving your site’s position in local search results.

Besides ensuring telecommuting doesn’t compromise reputations, virtual PO box technology crosses mail management off your to-do list. With a virtual PO box, incoming packages and letters are scanned upon arrival. You can then view each piece of mail and opt to have it stored, forwarded, or thrown out.

Time-tracking software

When you can’t monitor employees in person during the workday, tracking their productivity can become an issue. Time-tracking software allows you to monitor the amount of time each employee spends on specific tasks.

Not only does the software allow you to monitor individual work habits, but it also helps you accurately estimate the hours necessary to complete future tasks.

Chat and messaging software

Your employees need a fast and streamlined way to communicate throughout the workday. Chat and messaging platforms provide a dedicated space where team members can chat and signal their availability throughout the day.

Chat software is often preferable to email because it’s easier for small teams to stay organized when sharing information. Each team in the organization can have a dedicated channel. With chat and messaging software readily accessible, internal communication will improve, positively impacting both productivity and employee satisfaction.

Broadband internet

Fast, reliable internet provides the foundation for a successful digital workspace. Each member of the organization needs broadband access, which isn’t always easy if team members live in different states or countries. The organization will need to determine the bandwidth necessary for each employee based on the sizes of files they work with.

Aside from broadband, smartphones also play an essential role in a virtual office, allowing members to connect even if their home internet is temporarily down. Because mobile devices provide wireless hotspots that allow for limited internet, you won’t lose hours of productivity to an unforeseen outage.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage provides easy access to project files for all employees. Instead of sending files back and forth by email, everything is stored online, where everyone always has access to the most updated version at all times.

Another benefit of cloud storage is how it improves home internet security. Access to files can be regulated based on employee needs and carefully tracked.

Wrap up

The digital workspace is here to stay, as companies as large as Google have shifted significantly towards remote work. Fortunately, as virtual offices grow in popularity, the quality of telecommuting technology is also improving. Implementing the correct software enhances communication, improves productivity, and otherwise helps set your digital workspace up for success.

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