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Rescale provides high-performance computing software solutions for industry

Rescale is a technology company that builds cloud software and services enabling individuals and organizations to deliver engineering and scientific breakthroughs that enrich humanity.

This software is built on the most powerful High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure available. Rescale matches and optimizes software applications together with the best computer architecture in the cloud or on-premise to seamlessly run complex data processing and simulations.

The Rescale HPC infrastructure management platform includes over 700 of the most widely used and powerful engineering and scientific applications. Furthermore, Rescale partners with the four largest cloud service providers.

The Rescale HPC infrastructure management platform is used by more than 125 Global 2000 enterprise customers including four of the top five largest global automotive manufacturers.

With the speed of HPC software and hardware development, accessing the best package for individual workloads is practically impossible, negating one of the many reasons to switch to cloud. Rescale is the cloud HPC orchestration platform, making price performance optimization at a job level possible.

Rescale offers hundreds of software applications and dozens of cloud infrastructure architectures available for engineers to develop models and run simulations in several engineering disciplines.

In the event that a desired software package is not available or if it is custom-developed software, Rescale will work with customers to enable access to this software directly on Rescale’s HPC platform.

Automotive R&D, engineering and manufacturing are complex and interdependent, from the many sequential stages of development to the many internal and external teams in the supply chain. This can cause delays and security challenges for teams working together on different parts of the same product.

To solve these challenges, Rescale offers powerful collaboration tools for teams distributed around the world. Administrators and project leads can quickly provision specific access to resources and data within shared workspaces to ensure downstream tasks can be carried out without delay.

With Rescale, businesses can compose and automate common simulation workflows, reducing costly down-time from new vehicle development. By simplifying HPC operations, engineers can focus on their core competencies and not worry about obtaining, setting up and optimizing their computer software and hardware.

Through Rescale’s logical and intuitive graphical user interface, users can access all the tools needed in a single location to perform their jobs and collaborate with peers. This is enabled by workload automation tools that allow engineers to share models and data with a single click, thereby reducing the number of non-value-added tasks that must be navigated.

To illustrate the numerous benefits of cloud computing with Rescale, consider the case of a major automobile manufacturer faced with numerous challenges in managing their in-house HPC system.

These challenges were related to financial constraints that prevented them from upgrading their hardware and software, the inherent complexity of operating their HPC system, which required specialized employees, facilities, application maintenance and security measures, and difficulties in managing personnel and allocating computer resources during high-demand periods. As a result, they decided to shift their technical computing to Rescale.

Rescale’s managed HPC platform converted the automobile manufacturer’s complex software, hardware and infrastructure into a single, unified solution that remained agile in today’s fastmoving technology environment. As a result, the company’s engineers could access the latest software and hardware technology at a virtually unlimited scale.

Within four months, the company’s global engineering division was concurrently running hundreds of analyses and simulations per day on the Rescale platform. The benefits of using Rescale’s HPC platform were tangible and significant. Job queuing time, which was previously an average of two to three days, was virtually eliminated.

Since Rescale’s hardware is optimized for specific workflows, the company realized an 18 percent cost optimization of application usage. Using the next-generation computational hardware, the company expects an additional cost optimization of 15 percent, making the combined cost and productivity improvement more than 30 percent.

When compared to their previous in-house HPC system, the company realized a 50 percent cost reduction on HPC operating expenses, including utilities, personnel, capital equipment and facilities.

These cost savings and productivity improvements allowed the company to maintain market leadership in technical innovation, reduce the costs of their product development process, improve product performance and quality, and reduce time-to-market.

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