Robotics & Automation News

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Founder Institute, NASA Ames and MassRobotics partner to launch AI and robotics accelerator in Boston

The Founder Institute, the world’s largest pre-seed startup accelerator, is partnering with NASA Ames Research Center and MassRobotics for the upcoming Founder Institute AI & Robotics Accelerator program in Boston.

Founders working on aerospace/space, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous vehicles, augmented/virtual reality, voice, drones and related technologies can apply to the program here:

The Founder Institute AI & Robotics Accelerator Program, which runs in parallel with the Boston Founder Institute program, aims to help ambitious entrepreneurs build world-changing technology companies by providing:

  • Connections to select NASA Ames software and technologies for licensing opportunities.
  • Mentorship opportunities with Founder Institute, MassRobotics and NASA Ames technology subject experts as appropriate.
  • Several “Founder Institute AI & Robotics Accelerator Program Fellowships” awarded to Top Program Applicants, allowing them to participate in the program for free.
  • Lifetime of startup support and resources from the Founder Institute’s Global Accelerator Program.
  • Local and global support network of entrepreneurs, investors and advisors.
  • More than $2 million in partner deals and resources.

The goal of the partnership with NASA Ames Research Center is to help startup founders connect with its software and technologies, while providing a robust global network of startup resources from Founder Institute and MassRobotics.

MassRobotics brings deep expertise and extensive support network in the robotics industry to collaborate with early-stage startups in this space.

“In the past year or so, everyone has experienced first hand how fragile our world is and how normal can change in the blink of an eye, so that’s why it is so important that founders focus on impact driven ventures” said Ignacio Castro, Managing Director of the Boston Founder Institute. “Our partnership with NASA and MassRobotics symbolizes our continued support of founders who are building advanced technologies that can positively impact humanity as we desperately need it.”

To celebrate this new program, the Founder Institute Boston has arranged several free events:

  • How to Raise Capital for your AI and Robotics Startup in Boston (Online Event) on 2021-07-14, 06:30 PM:
  • Meet the Alumni of the Founder Institute Boston (Open Zoom Meeting) on 2021-08-18, 06:30 PM:
  • How to Start an AI and Robotics Startup in Boston (Online Event) on 2021-09-01, 06:30 PM:
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