Industrial weighing equipment, the platform scale, includes a platform mounted on an automated system of levers and adjustable weights and is often used to weigh large or heavy things.
Manufacturers, supply chain businesses with advanced robotic machines, and small or large warehouses use industrial platform scale to ensure the proper weighing of heavy materials or products before they are shipped to different customers or clients.
With an ever-increasing number of industrial users demanding maintenance and repair services, manufacturers and dealers offer multiple maintenance tips for industrial platform scales.
Care and maintenance are easy to carry out, but it’s always better to know how to do it correctly the first time rather than regretting afterward. Here’s how you can maintain your industrial platform scale:
1. Store the Industrial Platform Scale Properly
Whether it’s aluminum or stainless steel, storing the industrial platform scale is usually done in the storage warehouse. It’s where the scale is usually stored when not in use. Before storing the scale, ensure that the hoist is disengaged from the platform and has no tension on the balanced line.
Ideally, before storage, the hoist should be disconnected and all accessories such as gears and wheels should be removed to ensure that it’s safe.
Lastly, suppose any goods are being transported from one location to another, for example. In that case, the scale will likely be needed to accommodate the weight and dimensions of the items being shipped.
This is why it’s essential to look at how to store industrial platform scale properly, to know what needs to be done, and to ensure that the scale won’t be damaged during transit.
2. Use the Weighing Scale Correctly
If you’re using the scale improperly, you might not get the accurate weight measurement you’re looking for, which might result in your machine giving you a much higher number than what you wanted or, even worse, something that’s much lower than you wanted.
For example, it’s essential to ensure that the paperweights are marked so as not to confuse the machine during the weighing process when weighing paperweights. The paperweight and the weighing grid should be placed on the floor near the industrial vacuum or in a place where it can be reached easily.
Another thing, it’s also good to place the other accessories such as hoists, buckets, scales, containers, and so on nearby so that the maintenance personnel can easily access them. The best part is that these scales require very little access and, therefore, it’s easy to maintain.
3. Clean the Industrial Platform Scale
Other than weighing the industrial platform scale, it’s also important to ensure that it’s kept clean. It’s essential to ensure that there’s no dust on the hoist and in the holding area.
However, you need to know that there are different cleaning tips for each type of scale. The oil-free and grease-free types are the lowest priced and usually come with a cleaning solution. Meaning all you’ll need to do is run a brush through the scale, and this should remove any dirt or greases that are stuck within the motor assembly.
There are more costly models, but as these are the highest-performance models, they’ll cost a bit more. However, grease or oil-free cleaning solutions will require that you use some form of protective gear to prevent any damage to the machinery itself due to the dirt that may be present.
What’s important is that you clean the industrial platform scale regularly to avoid any accumulated dirt that may result in damage or repair.
4. Maintain the Industrial Platform Scale
For practical maintenance tips, it’s essential to know how to keep the device clean and well-maintained. A routine inspection may result in trouble-free operation. Conduct regular checks and minimize further damage to your industrial platform scale to prevent costly repair costs.
If any damage or rust is discovered on a scale or twig, get it repaired. A timely repair is essential for safe and reliable performance.
5. Proper Maintenance Required
Maintenance tips for any type of weighing scale, including industrial platform scales, usually cover essential tips such as handling, storing, and weighing. The importance of maintaining industrial platform scale is evident in the fact that it’s one of the vital components that must be maintained and kept in good working condition.
To ensure the importance of the industrial platform scale, it’s important to perform the proper maintenance required. This includes cleaning, testing, lubricating, and replacing parts of the scale, if necessary.
Following these instructions will give several benefits, including operational safety, reduced failures, cost planning, better system, and improved instrumentation use of your industrial platform scale used in your business.