Robotics & Automation News

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Geek+ launches new virtual booth

Warehouse robotics company Geek+ has launched its next-gen virtual booth, saying it’s the company’s latest effort to provide customers with knowledge and access to the technologies that will allow them to make added-value decisions in a time of current global change and remote work.

In the new virtual space Geek+ will support visitors with online applications for customized solutions, a great visual experience, and easy access to product materials.

Geek+, the largest manufacturer of autonomous mobile robots, says its virtual space allows visitors to experience robotics automation in a dynamic digital environment and provides them with the tools to make informed decisions on automation, in a time of urgency.

In light of Covid-19 and the prevalence of social distancing needs, large parts of the physical world have moved online.

The Virtual Booth is the latest effort in a series of actions undertaken by Geek+, such as fully remote project implementations, online trainings, and virtual seminars, to continue driving the discussion on AI and robotics and enable customers to secure business continuity.

Hong Yu, chief marketing officer at Geek+, says: “As robotics and automation pioneers, we pride ourselves on being solutions-oriented and flexibly adjust to any challenge that lies ahead.

“We’ve created this digital space to provide a dynamic, fun, and interactive way of learning about our products and give visitors access to the technologies that will bring much-needed stability and value to their logistics operations.

“In times of great change and uncertainty, innovation does not stop and it is our duty to help our audience access it.”

Upon entering the virtual booth, visitors can access an interactive online application called Your Project Designer. This provides a customized automation solution based on customers’ own business needs.

Organized around the four main logistics challenges of today: efficiency, flexibility, profitability, and human resources, the virtual booth allows visitors to safely and dynamically learn about the benefits of AI and robotics and discover how it can impact their business operations.

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