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Business Automation With Low-code Platforms

Low-code platforms offer digital programming tools for designing applications along with their input systems, business logics outputs and other aspects.

But what is low-code platform? It is a software that offers an environment which programmers use to build applications by means of graphical user configurations and interfaces.

The process varies more widely between the several low-code platforms as every platform is created and needed to serve different business needs.

According to creatio, choosing a low-code platform as a means to build apps provides organizations with better means to produce more effective and complex software, quicker and with fewer teams.

App development is therefore easier with low-code because of the drag-and-drop, logic, models for business processes, and rapid development. Because the platform is easier to understand.

Why Should A Business Automate All Of Its Processes

Business process automation is rapidly becoming a business enabler for improved business control and agility. This has been greatly necessitated by the dynamics in the market space.

The success of cloud computing has greatly boosted the evolution of the business process with the aim to maximize automation as opposed to re-engineering.

With increasing demand for major businesses to perform labor-intensive tasks, which are more complex, the objective is to ensure more and more manual processes are automated.

Consequently, a big number of organizations are under pressure to automate processes specially to increase the overall operational efficiency across the company.

Many companies lose business opportunities by employing talented employees to execute tasks, which could be easily automated. Low-code platform supports business automation by enabling app customization and integration of automation features more seamlessly.

Business process automation therefore comes with several advantages as discussed below.

Quality And Consistency

The automation process ensures that all business actions are identical. This generates more reliable results which are also of high quality. The consistency that comes with automation tunes your customers to a certain quality of service which in turn enhances retention.

Saves Time

Manual tasks consume more time and are more affected by constant errors as they have to be constantly performed by humans who ideally cannot perform to higher standards consistently.

By reducing the number of tasks required to be handled by employees, employees get more time to work on more important tasks, increasing their productivity, making them more innovative and boosting their motivation levels.


The more consistent a process is, the more reliable it is. This helps a business to maintain a competitive advantage as more reliable processes are offered to the customers and the satisfaction rates are high.

Reduced Turnaround Time

Organizations are more able to streamline and define their business processes through workflow automation with low code. This criterion realigns process tasks, eliminates unnecessary tasks and optimizes communication, billing and other services.

How Can Low Code Platforms Change And Help Automate Your Business?

Increase Business Accuracy

By being in a position to identify workflow problems, low code platforms can automate remediation to ensure such anomalies are handled as they arise or even stopped from recurring at all. This way, low code increases the business accuracy and ensures the production process is more accurate.

Mobile Access

By offering seamless mobile access and more interactive user interface, low-code helps a business automate several functions and processes.

For instance, surveillance can be easily improved by building intelligence apps that are compatible with mobile phones to facilitate an all-time out-of-the-office monitoring.

Improve Productivity

These apps can also be used to improve employee productivity and reporting by monitoring their activities and movements to ensure they do not waste time on activities that do not benefit the business.

Low code can also be used to build automation apps such as those that control when a process begins and ends.

Mobile is therefore a useful platform for automation as it makes it easier to control processes remotely. This helps the organization to reduce the number of workers while increasing productivity.


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