Businesses are using emerging tech like robots in different industries to minimize human contact. Robots, to reduce the spread of Covid-19 infection are doing the work of humans.
One of the major things, which is happening today, is the accelerated pace of development in emerging tech.
For a very long time, the government and industry leaders had not paid attention to this area of emerging technologies. They felt that such technologies could still not be adapted to the present world scenario.
However, thanks to the Covid-19 scenario, many of these new emerging technologies have been fast-tracked for development. Investors, manufacturers and innovators have stepped up investments to roll out models in the next few months.
In this article, we will explore one such emerging piece of technology, which can be beneficial, especially during the pandemic – “Robots”.
We will also look at how and why the country of France is leading the way when it comes to adopting robotic technology.
Robots and the Coronavirus Pandemic: How can they help?
Many of the leading medical and health facilities all over the world are turning to robots. This is because; robots can help us create contactless mediums between people. They can also deliver things to people, which eliminates people from meeting one another or coming into contact.
According to experts, by using robots to do everyday work, we drastically reduce the chances of the infection spreading. Two industries, which have seen the bulk of innovations and applications are the Medical Sector and the Delivery Sector.
Many scientists at different research laboratories and universities across the world are experimenting with robotic technology. They are working towards finding ways and means of improving efficiency, cutting down costs and increasing reliability.
Until now, robotic technology was being used in heavy manufacturing and engineering. However, Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated research and development in normal and common day-to-day tasks.
How France is leading the way in adopting Robotic Technologies
The country of France has registered close to 170,000 Covid-19 positive cases, and nearly 30,000 deaths. It is safe to say that the country has been hit severely because of the pandemic. France was also one of the first countries to get the infection.
Being one of the leading tourist destinations in the world, the economy of France suffered. In order to lessen the impact of the virus, France started using innovative ways to promote social distancing. France started experimenting with robots in its medical institutions.
Robots were tasked with taking temperatures, transporting blood samples and disinfecting rooms. The intelligence built into robots helped them carry out most of these tasks flawlessly.
Many restaurants in France are also experimenting with robots as a way to use them as servers to reduce human contact.
Many grocery stores in France are also using robots for remote delivery purposes in the form of drones.
Takeaway places are now working with robots at counters as well. Experts predict that home and residential uses of robots are going to significantly increase during and post the pandemic.
Are Robots part of the ‘New Normal’ during the Pandemic?
The discussions around the use of robots have not been historically positive. Critics have always been wary of how robots can replace human beings and lead to job losses.
This discussion has been replaced with a new discussion on how robots and human beings can co-exist. More than this, conversations around how robots can help cut down the ill effects of the pandemic taking place in forums and communities.
Carrying out work, which would minimize human-to-human contact, is why robots in different forms are being promoted.
The improvements in Artificial Intelligence means that robots can learn from human behaviour and can start mimicking the same. While there is still a long way to go, the foundational aspects have already been laid.
In the next few years, robots are going to be an integral aspect of our everyday lives. France has shown the world something, which will be replicated by all major countries in the near future.
If you wish to know more about robots and their functionalities, please visit-