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AImotive ‘first’ to gain ISO certification for its automated driving simulator

AImotive claims it has become the “first” company to gain ISO26262 certification for its automated driving simulator.

AImotive relies on first ISO26262 certified simulator to power CI/CD (continuous integration and delivery) of automated driving

The company says the certification is the “essential first step” towards creating certifiable toolchain for advanced driver assistance system or automated driving development.

It also allows AImotive to continue development when road testing possibilities are limited during the global Covid-19 outbreak.

AImotive says its aiSim simulator has been certified to TCL 3 according to ISO 26262:2018 by TÜV-Nord.

The company says this makes it “the world’s first ISO26262 certified comprehensive automated driving simulator for the development of automated driving solutions”.

The ISO 26262 standard is the automotive industry’s fundamental standard for functional safety, governing the development of all automotive systems. TCL 3 is the highest level of tool confidence, which is necessary for product development targeting ASIL D.

Szabolcs Janky, head of product management, aiSim at AImotive, says: “By relying on our in-house developed simulation tool Aimotive has created a unique continuous integration – continuous delivery software development pipeline for safety critical automated driving software.

“It is one of the few purpose-built simulators to handle the complexities of simulation for automated driving development.”

The company began developing its innovative aiSim in the nascent days of simulation in automated driving.

TCL 3 enables aiSim to be an integral part of a development and verification toolchain up to ASIL D, ensuring deterministic, realistic, and repeatable testing.

Relying on certified tools, for example, helps developers overcome the whiplash effect, and discern whether a problem comes from the software or tooling.

Relying on such certified tools has allowed AImotive to continue development when road testing possibilities are limited during the global Covid-19 outbreak.

The company’s simulation powered continuous integration – continuous delivery pipeline built around aiSim has limited the disruptions felt by engineering teams, ensuring that the future of mobility draws ever closer.

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