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4 AI Functions Already Up and Running in 2019 That’ll Leave You Speechless

Despite the fact that AI is already being utilised in a huge variety of ways by a myriad of industry, it’s still perceived as being an emergent technology, something of great promise yet to materialise. This couldn’t be further from reality.

These four examples of AI and machine learning have already been saving you time and effort for years at this point, but it’s only really in the last few years that they’ve become completely viable and effective. I mean, remember Siri when it first came out? Spectacularly hit and miss.

AI, along with machine learning, has made a massive number of things possible across industries, proving critical to many different tech platforms. 37% of organisations have been found to utilise AI in some form.

That’s why we’ve put together this article, detailing four AI functions and tools already up and running in 2019, guaranteed to leave you speechless.

Spam Filters Depend on AI

Sifting through spam in your emails is a nightmare. One day you get everything sorted and functioning, with all the different folders set up, all the rubbish dealt with and deleted, then the next, you’re having to do it all over again.

That was the case several years ago, prior to effective spam filters being developed. Dealing with spam was never a job for humans. The sheer volume of automated messages needed a solution more elegant than human interaction.

The trouble is that one user’s valuable sale email is another’s spam email. Through the big email providers like Gmail utilising machine learning algorithms to study and categorise users responses, as well as scanning the origins of the spam emails and senders, effective spam blocking has become commonplace.

Online Banking AI Making Finance Easier

AI has a ton of uses within the online banking sector. For instance, many banks now offer online check deposits, no need to physically visit a bank. Crucial to this is handwriting reading and recognition software.

Even for humans, reading handwriting can be a difficult chore. AI overcomes this through Optical Character Recognition software, which scans documents, converting them into digital formats. This is highly dependant on AI.

Financial software developers are challenged by such tasks on a daily basis so don’t be surprised by high quicker your request might be processed as the services now require less and less processing time.

Effective Voice Control – Siri and Alexa

Do you remember voice recognition five years ago? It was laughable. It worked for some, sometimes, but a huge percentage of the time it would get things hilariously wrong.

Modern Siri and Alexa are much more on the ball with their recognition nowadays. In fact, voice search is quickly becoming a hugely important marketing channel as more and more consumers utilise voice search to do their purchasing and browsing online.

Voice-activated assistants aren’t just limited by understanding human speech, in order to be efficient and useful, they also need to understand the nuances of human speech.

Developers have utilised machine learning and AI to program in the thousands upon thousands of potential variables when it comes to human speech commands. This is what’s made voice control become the useful tool we know today.

Uber Depends on AI

Another amazingly convenient element of modern life, Uber is also built upon AI technology. Without the necessary tech in place, it would be uniquely difficult to program a system that takes into account the hundreds of variables on a single Uber ride.

Over 14 million Uber rides are taken daily, worldwide. Imagine the sheer number of calculations going on to make that happen.

From car locations to booking locations and from traffic to price and surge calculations, there’s a lot of nuance and variability that goes into a seemingly simple app. Fare price, estimated arrival time and route are all determined by AI calculations.

In essence, these services are the forebears of driverless cars. Automatically calculating route, arrival time and fares will always be necessary when hiring a car, and these technological advances have made Uber function as a business model.


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