Robotics & Automation News

Where Innovation Meets Imagination

Learn the best safety practices for collaborative robotics

Ready to install collaborative robots in your factory? Read this white paper to learn the issues surrounding safe robotics. 

Sick AG is one of the world’s largest suppliers of sensors. The company was founded by Erwin Sick in 1946 and today suppliers innovative and award-winning sensors. 

As part of a partnership with Robotics and Automation News, Sick Sensor Intelligence has released a white paper on the subject of safe automation in factory environments.

The document is entitled Safe Robotics: Safety in Collaborative Robot Systems, and we encourage you to download using the method of your choice.

You can either fill in the form below or similar forms on the following pages:

  1. White paper: Safety in collaborative robot systems
  2. Safe Robotics: Free white paper from Sick Sensor Intelligence

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