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How to improve workflow with technology

We rely heavily on technology to get us through our daily lives and with every change and introduction of new innovations, it’s no surprise that technology has created a huge impact on us.

Could you imagine trying to get hold of a business that doesn’t have a phone system or email to contact?

Well, not too long ago computers and technology were not viewed as compulsory. But, modern technology has proved necessary countless times over the years and has presented us with numerous ways to enhance business performance and workflow. 

With that being said, some businesses still aren’t using technology to its full advantage. This article looks into the practices that can increase productivity and encourage you and your business to streamline processes using technology, eventually improving your overall workflow.

Operations – get the job done more efficiently

As a business starts to grow, learning to streamline processes is necessary to improve overall business performance. Technology now offers content management solutions and workflow software that enables businesses to restructure their repetitive paper-based ways of working, like work order processing or accounts payable procedures.

Modern communication systems, such as Skype, also offer a way to improve operations, via video conferencing, instant messenger and emails.

Finances – lower costs and increased revenue

Any business owner knows that as revenue grows, responsibilities do too. Financial tracking software, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365, allows you to manage finances and make more informed decisions in a minimal amount of time.

This will enable you to focus more on your business goals and worry less about the accounting side of things, something you might not be able to do without this technology.

Employee productivity – keeping everyone productive at all times

Technology provides you with the ability to maintain normal operations in somewhat less than normal conditions. With data backups and recovery systems, you can continue work if the worst happens, such as technical issues.

This minimises downtime and still allows employees to get work done. Technology can also help to improve productivity by eliminating time-consuming tasks, document management software removes the need for data entry, filing and manual file retrieval. Managed IT services can also lift the burden of this routine.

Top tip: To further boost productivity, employees require a good, working office environment. Careful design and attention to detail can improve morale and encourage better productivity.

Pay attention to your furniture, in particular. Ensure you provide staff with everything they need such as a sturdy desk, a comfortable chair, good lighting, good ventilation and a quality heating and cooling system.

If any of your furniture is outdated or broken, such as chairs or tables missing wheels make sure you get this fixed to comply with health and safety regulations. You can buy replacement castor wheels online that can be easily installed yourself.

Innovation presentations and pitches

There is a multitude of programmes designed to make your business look like the most innovative in the world. These platforms are able to do some of the hard work for you and provide a customisable presentation, like Prezi. The format and design is there for you; you just need to add your information.

Working on the move

Many businesses have adopted cloud computing in their operations. Cloud enables your business to access software on the internet as a service. It’s also a safe way of storing and sharing data.

Employees can access the service at any time and from any location to complete their tasks. Cloud-based software can improve levels of efficiency, increase productivity and save costs.

There are a plethora of technology and software options out there to improve workflow. Keep this in mind and ease your business in slowly. You’ll be surprised by the positive effect that technology can have.

Article written by Jessica Foreman