Sensor Readings magazine is back as a monthly publication, free to subscribers of Robotics and Automation News.
In this taster issue, we have included some of the most popular features from the website in recent weeks.
Future issues will include content exclusive to the magazine as well as articles that will appear in the magazine first and then subsequently on the website.
So, as always, we thank you for your support in bringing us this far, and with your continued backing, we aim to print some editions of the magazine by the end of the year.
And if you haven’t already subscribed, please do so – especially now when we’re giving away tickets to Hannover Messe worth $100 each when you subscribe to either our $10 a month package or our $100 a year package.
Enjoy reading, and let us know if you would like to see specific features in the magazine, and, of course, if you would like to support us through advertising your business.