Yes, it’s nearly that time of the year when we all – or most of us anyway – take a break from the sheer drudgery that is working life at Robotics and Automation News.
Your job might be exciting, a labour of love, in which case, good for you, and you’ll be back soon.
It’s probably a little early to wish you Happy Holidays, but we don’t have a lot of staff here and if we don’t put this message up now, we might forget as we get busy during the days ahead. So, Happy Holidays!
And, if you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our site – it helps us pay the bills and keep going.
There’s not many websites like ours which prioritise the technology we believe you are interested in, judging by our increasing readership and what the analytics show as being popular articles.
We know that many of you are interested in the stories we publish and, looking around on the web, we don’t see many other websites covering these subjects as consistently as we do.
That’s not to show off – just that we want to bring you stories that give you an added advantage in your decision-making, stories which help you become better-informed, stories which we really hope helps you in your job and, by extension, your life in general. We would feel very proud if we can do that.
So, if you want to help us keep bringing you information which you find useful, interesting and – hopefully – entertaining as well, please do subscribe.
We’ll try and entice you with offers, such as complimentary tickets to events and perhaps discounts for various products and services – which are all part of our plans going forward – but to subscribe even without those additional incentives is to show that you care about money, just like we do.
And to those of you who have already subscribed, we thank you from the depths of our hearts. We appreciate you more than we can show you. The best way we think we can begin to repay you is by continuing to publish content which we really hope will help you make money – because that’s what it’s all about.
Money, money, money. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what you want and that’s what we want. And good will. That too. Peace and good will to all readers. Yes, money and massive goodwill payments. (No, good will, not goodwill – Ed.) Oh ok, good will too, why not? Peace, good will, and goodwill payments, and plain old straightforward money – that’s what it’s all about. Share dividends as well of course. And end-of-year salary bonuses. And…
If you have any suggestions for articles you want us to write, or subjects you want us to look into, or just general suggestions and comments about the website and our coverage, please feel free to send us an email – costs nothing and we always enjoy hearing from readers.