Charles Deguire, president and co-founder of Kinova Robotics, explained the benefits of robotics in the health sector before the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology.
The Committee invited Deguire to testify as senators study the role of automation in the health care system, particularly robotics, artificial intelligence and 3D printing, in direct and indirect care to patients and home care.
Charles Deguire, CEO of Kinova, said: “It is clear to us that the future of medicine depends on robotics and its great ability to empower humanity. People cannot imagine how many technological advances in medical robotics have been made in recent years.
“The scalpel and the hand have not changed in the past 100 years, it’s time for medicine to evolve. Kinova is actively working with surgeons to develop better tools for them and their patients.”
As Kinova is dedicated in helping people with disabilities thru assistive robotics, members of the Senate committee questioned Deguire on the robotic arm Jaco, which allows its users to regain some of their autonomy.
Deguire told the Senate committee: “Everyday activities such as scratching, picking up an object from the floor or drinking a glass of water were impossible for people with partial or complete paralysis of the upper body, now with our robotic arm they become less dependent on caregivers and enjoy an improved quality of life.”
The Kinova team has always maintained that persons with reduced mobility want to regain their autonomy not only for their own well-being but also to give back to society and thus contribute to country’s economic health.
Kinova would like to see all levels of government be more involved in leading or helping the evolution of medicine to deliver better patient outcomes.