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Dog Bite Accident: 5 Tips for Correctly Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury claims cover a variety of bases, as one could be injured in several ways. Hence, personal injury law covers various accidents, from vehicles to dog bites. Every accident is unique, and for that reason, no two cases are handled the same way.

Personal injury claims depend on the severity of the accident, who is at fault, and the context of the events leading up to the accident. Given the situation’s complexity, you must consider hiring legal advocates like the dog bite experts at Michigan Injury Lawyers to guide you through the legal process.

Here are some tips you need to file a personal injury claim correctly.

1. Seek Medical Advice

If you have been in a car accident, the first step must be to seek medical help. You must consult a professional to ensure you are physically and mentally well.

Seeking medical help ensures your health is checked and aids the claims process. You can build a solid personal injury case with physical evidence, such as medical reports and documents.

2. Document the Accident and Your Injuries

You must provide evidence of the accident and your injuries to file a successful personal injury claim. This can include photographs of the accident scene, medical records and bills, and witness statements.

After the accident, it’s essential to record what happened throughout. This evidence and witness statements ensure you have a strong case and enough documentation to get you the compensation you deserve.

Be sure to document everything related to the accident and your injuries, including any pain and suffering you have experienced.

3. Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

Most people assume they can go through a personal injury claim process alone. However, navigating the legal system can be challenging, particularly when dealing with an injury. Contacting a personal injury lawyer is vital in ensuring you receive the personal injury compensation you deserve.

A personal injury lawyer can guide you through filing a claim and has experience dealing with insurance companies and other parties involved.

Hiring an attorney makes the process easier and helps you focus on getting better, if injured.

4. Do Not Speak With Insurance Companies Without a Lawyer Present

After an accident, you may be contacted by insurance adjusters who will try to settle your case quickly for a low amount. It is important to remember that insurance companies are not on your side; their goal is to minimize their financial exposure.

These unsolicited offers might seem promising but in the long run will result in lost money. Agreeing to these settlements is premature since you would be unaware of the total expenses incurred from the accident.

Only speak with insurance adjusters with a personal injury lawyer present. Your lawyer will be able to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf and will ensure that you receive a fair settlement.

5. Keep All Records and Receipts

While filing a personal injury claim, storing all records and receipts related to your injuries is vital. This includes medical bills, records, and all receipts for expenses you have incurred as a result of the accident.

Keeping backup records helps in your dog bite case and ensures you have a safety-net in case any of the documents are misplaced or go missing.

Your personal injury lawyer will use these records to build a strong case on your behalf.


Filing a personal injury claim can be complex, but taking the correct steps can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Seeking medical attention immediately after an accident, documenting the accident and your injuries, contacting a personal injury lawyer, being patient, and understanding the statute of limitations are all important factors to consider when filing a personal injury claim.

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